Trump Spends 74th Birthday Weekend Insisting That, Yes, He Can Walk Down a Ramp After Viral Video

There is one picture being shared from today the government that shows the group of BlackLivesMatter activists talking in the late Mother of All rally (MOAR) in support of Donald Trump this past weekend in Washington,

D.C. That gets gone viral, apparently for all the good reasons. But at fact, it is one of the most difficult and misunderstood incidences I have seen at awhile. As worse as this picture is,

The comments I have seen extolling the merits of the action in this picture are worse, And both end to one of these persistent questions in facing racial issues in America — the historic and political naivete of man and African Americans.

Donald Trump took the worst weekend of his run, and possibly this worst weekend of any presidential race always. The deluge of democratic members of legislature split from this candidate telling that he should hang out or that they wouldn’ ’t state for him after television surfaced from 2005 of ,

Trump making obscene comments about how he treated women. And when President attempted to argue the passage of the given speech that was leaked Friday day where she told she talks differently about  .

Wall Street publicly than privately by saying she was telling a story about former President AbrahamLincoln, Trump interjected in an efficient manner that made her justification look ridiculous.

Chairman trump’s surrogates were all at the sun conversation shows the weekend asserting that support for the boundary fence with Mexico would have to be part of any payment deals to prevent a government shutdown.

Chairman Trump himself tweeted Monday morning, `` that Democrats don’ ’t need money from fund moving to border fence despite the fact that it can end drugs and really terrible MS 13 gang members. ''

After the weekend in Washington, at which Abe would be joining the anniversary celebration for First Lady Melania Trump, The Japanese leader is required to entertain Trump at recent May for ,

The official government party in Tokyo where Trump would also greet japan’’s new emperor. And so the prime minister is to take this Group of 20 great economies ’ meeting in Osaka past June.

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