National Guardsmen struggle with their role in controlling protests

On may 4,1970, oh human guardsmen opened fire on dissenting students in county state university, killing four students. Researchers decided that 28 guardsmen fired 61 to 67 shootings. The justice department stated that these guardsmenwere not in risk and that their right that they burnt at self-defense was wrong .

The nearest student was about 100 yards off at the moment of the shot. Guards involved in the shot were indicted . eight of these guardsmen were indicted by the grand commission . that guardsmen claimed to get fired in self-defense , the right that was mostly accepted by the criminal justice system. 

In 1974 U.S district judge frank Battisti Ignored complaints against all eight on this ground that the prosecution’s argument was too weak to justify the test. National activities were also undertaken against the guardsmen , the government of ohio, and the presidency of kent state. 

Only a couple of months later, national guardsmen at kent state university did exactly this. Hitting four unarmed protesters in point-blank range. In this wake, a group of business workers violently attacked demonstrators at NYC; they were so scared of angry mobs that they had turn into one themselves. Finally, the story of this angry crowd serves to defend conservatives ‘ indifference to the anger of those they disagree with. 

Classifying protesters as the crowd rather than citizens engaging in democratic process allows republicans to increase the specter of mob regulation to prevent meeting their constituents ‘ demands. The conclusion : they’re the people making force to democracy . there’s thing quite so unreasonable , so unreliable or so risky as the entire political party attempting to persuade voters that sexual assault survivors confronting their senators represent  one “angry mob” 

Rather , the president made put that message he had simply said, condemning “ in the strongest possible statements the show of hate, intolerance and hostility on some sides.” The reference to “many sides” which he repeated , for emphasis moments later appeared to some commentators to compare the white national protesters with this counter-protesters . the speeches “some sides” soon trended on social media, alongside information that the person had forced the car into a crowd of counter-protesters , killing on female and sending others to the hospital.

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