The big question: AI Beauty or Real Beauty?

AI and Photo Modification: Destroyer of Inner Happiness

How often it happens to people that they meet someone online and see their modified photos and when they meet in real life they get kind of disappointed? Not only that, how often people posts their beautified pictures online and they are kind of afraid to meet people in person because they think that they won’t look or be that good to the eyes of those people thus won’t meet their expectation? Many then put on a high amount of makeups, plastic surgeries and what not. All these stress were caused by the first step when they choose to post a beautified photo, a modified photo that doesn’t represent who they really are.

Why Artificial Beauty Modification?

Yes, beautified photos look more clean, bright, polished and focused thus more attractive in the first sight. But the question is, why is that so important to us? Yes, human beings love beauty and we like to be loved. So, by posting beautified photos, we feel good and by getting likes and nice comments, we feel loved. But inside of us, we know that we are cheating a little to get that love. That decrease of the moral value is the cause of suffering. Why can’t we present us neat, clean and humble and be happy about who we are? Why do we constantly need the validation of the majority of the people around us to feel beautiful? Why don’t we focus on beautifying our character and let it shine it through our face than beautifying our face through a digital AI technology? Well, one probably answer is, the first one needs a lot of work and effort, the second one needs just a touch.

Philosophy and Final Thought

The philosophy of the photography used to be to capture the photo from a unique perspective of the photographer. The duty of the photographer was to present it in a form that as if you are present in that moment and seeing the picture through the eyes of the photographer. That, we call real intelligence and true natural beauty as indeed “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”. Now comes the AI Beauty, whose primary focus is to beautify something in digital form which is not that much beautiful in real form. There is a world of difference in between. It is the difference between truth and falsehood and it comes down to a moral conclusion. I love the true natural beauty without AI, surgery or makeup and often I see photo comparison with and without beautifying. I find myself liking the photo that was not “beautified”. I would simply call it “manipulated” as the photoshop professionals call it. We need to be honest with ourselves and accept something as it is. I believe AI is termed improperly and being used for the wrong purpose. They should call it “beauty recognition” and use this technology to capture the complexity of the photos as deep as they can. More like an improved version of the classic old DSLR philosophy rather than trying to represent digital beauty through artificial improvements.

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