Donald Trump announces major cut of US troops in Germany

President Donald Trump said on Monday he is ordering a major reduction in US troop strength in Germany, a move widely criticised by members of his own party as a gift to Russia and a threat to US national security. “We’re putting the number down to 25,000 soldiers,” Mr Trump said at the White House. In recent decades, Germany has hosted key American military facilities and provided a transit point for troops deploying to and from the Middle East, including during years of conflict in Iraq. 
President Donald trump’s statement to take out seven thousand U.S. Forces from Afghanistan had both his nations and opponents by surprise. As expected, Trump went out of patience because of lack of advancement on his South Asia term announced last year at September and the declining safety condition in Afghanistan.

This statement came in the midst of the U.S.-Taliban conversations in the United Arab Emirates (UAE ) to get the politically negotiated ending to the conflict. It led to the resignation from defence Secretary James Mattis, the principle designer of trump’s Afghan term.

The latest change seems to be in line with President Donald trump’s strategy for This area and his expressed desire to get US foreign assistance at large. While declaring the moderate change in forces to Afghanistan last year, Trump also outlined his South Asia strategy,

Which included starting Islamabad to assist the US fight aggressive groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan. But since 2002, the US has made Pakistan at $ 14 billion in help to fight terrorism and insurgents in this area. The money is intended to compensate Pakistan for its current attempts to kill aggressive groups, and it makes part of the $ 33 billion in overall assistance that the America has given Pakistan over the same time period.

Nevertheless, President Donald Trump immediately seems reconciled to pakistan’’s centrality to the endgame in this area. He unilaterally announced his idea of drawing America forces out of Afghan. The “ framework ” agreement between the America and Afghan Taliban signed in Doha.

Wa’s hasty schedule of 18 months to disentangle itself from this Afghan quagmire has narrowed the america’s choices. Because of that India is trapped in the important blind-spot in AfghanistanIn Jan 2019, Warren criticised chairman Donald Trump's statement of his decision to withdraw America forces from Syria and Afghanistan. 

Although she held that US forces should be retired from Syria and Afghanistan, she said much withdrawals should be part of the `` unified '' organization formed with US nations. On January 6, 2017, in the e-mail to supporters, Warren announced that she could be working for the second term as the U.S. Senator from MA. 

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