President Donald Trump is not "fit for office" and doesn't have "the competence to carry out the job," his former national security adviser John Bolton told ABC News in an exclusive interview.In an explosive new book about his 17 months at the White House, Bolton characterizes Trump as "stunningly uninformed," ignorant of basic facts and easily manipulated by foreign adversaries.But his assessment that Trump is not "fit" to be president is among the most stunning indictments of a sitting president by one of their own top advisers in American history.
With John Bolton becoming President trump’s current national security advisor, it’s worth spending a couple of minutes on the issue. Mr. Bolton is not the globalist — though Mr. Gerson’’s explanation of this term fits him simply well. Mr. Bolton is the self-declared anti-globalist — though Mr. Stephens ’ explanation of the period suits him not at all. And when Mister Bolton speaks about globalists, he unquestionably is not meaning thing along those lines Mr. Rothkopf alleges. Mister Bolton has been thinking about globalism for the quite long period.
Back in 2000, in the writing for the city book of International philosophy, he named himself the “ Americanist ” (the preferred choice, in my perspective, to “ America Firster ” ), contrasting his views with those of “ Globalists ” whose “ agenda is unambiguously statist, But typically on the worldwide rather one federal level."There really isn't any guiding principle that I was able to discern other than what's good for Donald Trump's reelection," Bolton told ABC News chief global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz.
Bolton argues that Trump was more focused on those photo ops than advancing America's national security or foreign policy goals, writing in his book, "The Room Where It Happened," that he's "hard-pressed to identify any significant Trump decision during my tenure that wasn't driven by re-election calculations."
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